
Saturday, December 31, 2016

2017 - HaPpY NeW YeAr!

First, I'd like to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Whether last year was good or bad for you personally, it's always fun to look forward to a new beginning.

I've been very busy personally - cruising and then spending Christmas at Disney World here in Florida. We also are in the process of buying a house in Tennessee and next week we will drive up to close and get the house set up. Yes, a new adventure!

I also wanted to pass along a nice author interview at Book Goodies, it's a fun way to learn a little more about me.

Writing? Well, I am over half way through the first draft of Almost a Touch. I got sick for the entire  two weeks of our Hawaii cruise so didn't get as far as I'd hoped. I have gone through two edits on my compilation of children's fantasy short stories, 7 Days of Seven. I hope to have that published by the end of January.

Curious - do you make new year resolutions? Are they ever successful? I try to set goals and manage maybe a 50% success rate. Here's to 2017!

Thursday, December 22, 2016