Once again, it's the first Wednesday in the month and time for a post for the
Insecure Writer's Support Group.
If I thought April was crazy, May was just as bad. Full of medical appointments, a family wedding, catching up with family and friends here in Maryland, lots of rainy weather to keep us housebound and more.
This month I'm going to use the prompt shared by our hosts at the
Insecure Writer's Support Group because it fits what has been at the back of my thoughts these past few months.
Did you ever say “I quit”?
If so, what happened to make you come back to writing?
I haven't quit writing - yet. But I have been considering it. I turn 70 this year and I find myself treasuring my time with my husband as well as pure "me" time. When we first got together back in 2008 and on through 2012, I wasn't writing (other than a blog or two). We spent a lot of time doing things, seeing things, riding through beautiful scenery and more.
Since I took up writing, other than our two years in Ecuador, I find I have to schedule time off. And at 70, time is getting shorter. I am finding it harder and harder to choose between family time and writing time. So I hibernate, getting/giving too little to each.
I am committed to finishing and publishing two novellas in the Lei Crime Kindle World series, the third book in my Klondike Mystery series and one children's short story compilation of fantasy stories.
Once that is done, I think I am going to quit....
What about you?