It's here! The GREAT & POWERFUL THEME REVEAL for the 2014 A to Z Challenge. Because I've been so busy with personal life and trying to finish up my first paranormal short story (to be contributed to an anthology that will benefit a fellow author suffering from cancer), I haven't spent enough time getting started on my A-Z stories. But here is what I have...LOL!
1) I chose 26 words but they are Spanish words.
2) Each of the 26 words has an English translation that starts with the same letter.
3) I searched for free-to-use-commerically photos for inspiration.
Sounds good, right? Well, I hit a few stumbling blocks. First, there is no letter W in the Spanish alphabet. Okay, I can get around that because they do use a few words that begin with W, but they are foreign words.
Next, some letters I ended up with multiple words to chose from and planned to use the photo inspirations to guide me. I made a good start using my standard photo sites, and But I couldn't find something for every letter.
That was where LIFE hit me in the face...and nothing more has been done. Since then I have found a couple of other good sites to use for photo searches and next week will make my final choices. I also may use MORE than one word in each story.
UPDATE: Thanks to and I have all my photos. If you need good photo resource sites, check out
So the theme is FLASH FICTION inspired by a word and photograph, story written in 300 words or less (no minimum). Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Click image to see other Theme Reveals |
Tomorrow I will start to post my word choices and take reader input on those with multiple words/photos to chose from.
Hope you'll stop by and cast your vote!