Not all writers work at a desk or a cute little writing nook. Some work on lunch breaks in any spot they can grab. Others fend off sticky fingers and snotty noses as they scribble away. Desktop, laptop, notebook, journal and yes, even the old fashioned typewriter. Everyone has their favorite tools. Then there is me, a traveler. All I need is a laptop and a good Wi-Fi connection and I'm good to go.
Right now I am traveling on my Harley-Davidson Sportster, have been for about a week. I brought my ultra-laptop with me (Samsung) as well as my Verizon aircard and travel route (so hubby and I can share the connection). That said, most nights I'm too tired to write, barely able to handle basic correspondence.
How do you handle the interruptions of daily life in your writing, whether it's children, work, family or other obligations? Me? I'm retired...
Man, I wish I was so flexible. I think I could write at a coffee shop near home, if I had the time, I mean... but mostly I need to write where things are familiar or I get distracted. I can nearly always write in a bathtub, though--that's familiar even in a hotel far away... but one can only spend so much time at that.