FIVE Random/Weird facts about me:
- I didn't get my first tattoo until age 54 - I now have six.
- Besides 30 years as a computer professional I have also been a:
A & W car hop
Grapefruit packer
Fiber optic construction inspector
Long distance telephone operator (back when we used switchboards with wires)
- My favorite ice cream is black raspberry -- followed closely by Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey!
- I hate to have my head underwater when swimming.
- My favorite flowers are daisies and black-eyed susans (I also love wildflowers).
Top FIVE Seen/See Again list:
- Yellowstone - rode through from three directions on the motorcycle, now want to camp there.
- Australia - maybe someday....
- Europe - in particular, Ireland, Scotland, Italy and Greece, oh and Spain
- Yosemite - never been there but hear that it's better than Yellowstone.
- Glacier - another visited on bike but want to camp there, and I want to revisit the Blackfeet friends I made in nearby Browning while volunteering on the reservation.
What are YOUR fives?
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