Speaking of BIG SURPRISES, the best email I read was notifying me that I won SECOND PLACE in the Blog Hop sponsored by Lillie McFerrin, Angela Goff, Angie Richmond, and Daniel Swensen. I was shocked and pleased, there were some amazing entries. I look forward to getting my critique done by Angie. Thank you to the sponsors as well as all the writers. You can read my entry here, Forest Flowers.
I did think about my two novels while I was on the cruise, in between reading several books (all mysteries). I am debating whether to put my romance novel on the shelf and start my mystery. I go back and forth...tomorrow I will put pen to paper (okay, fingers to keyboard) and see what happens.
Lastly, thank you to those who took the time to critique my blog. I have made several changes that I hope are to the good. I'm frustrated that some can't read the blog because the "book" background never overlays the wood grain. At some point I will probably switch the format. In the meantime, I hope anyone that has problems reading the blog will use Google Reader or some other method of keeping up to day.
Enough for today, if anyone is interested you can see all the cruise photos I took in my SmugMug album. More coming after hubby uploads his dive photos and videos.
Didn't have a problem reading the blog. It looks good.