
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

#IWSG for November

Another month has rolled around and I'm up to my earballs in things that need to be done...oh wait, that's eyeballs.

But I can't forget to send a SHOUT OUT of encouragement to all my fellow writers participating in NaNoWriMo this month. Last year I was writing my romance novel, Home Again, during NaNo. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Writing short stories, flash fiction, novels....moving to Ecuador....finding a place to live there....which I did, now we have to furnish it....getting legal issues taken care of before the move....daily chores and just generally living life.

See? My brain is exploding with STUFF.

On a happy note, I fixed my flaky, erratic mouse issue. Changed batteries, still flaky. Installed new software/drivers, still flaky. Last thought, it was Win 8 issue. Nothing on Google other than a recommendation to clean it. So I finally took a q-tip with alcohol and swapped the little laser eye. WOW! What a difference....used to clean the trackball in my old mouse all the time. Never thought about the little eye because it's recessed. Happy mouser now!

Wait, I'm supposed to be writing about my insecurities as a, let's see. Nope, no time to figure that out this month. Maybe in December! ;)


  1. I'm co-hosting IWSG this month. Nice to meet you. Loved the pic. I often feel like that, lol.

    1. Welcome, Isis, and thank you for stopping by! I keep trying to stuff things back into place but they keep exploding. LOL!

  2. Goodness you sound crazy busy. Good luck with everything!

    1. I am working VERY hard on not getting too stressed will get done, it will get done. LOL! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Moving to Ecuador! Wow! That move is enough to keep you busy for eons:) Hope you get settled soon and are able to move some things off your plate.

    1. Well, they either get done and moved off or they get pushed off. LOL! Thanks for stopping by...

  4. It is such a busy time for writers everywhere this month! Good luck getting it all done :)

    1. Thanks, Charmaine. At least we are only adding one new thing to the To Do lists for each two we complete. LOL!

  5. I know how you feel this month. Good luck with doing it all. Then maybe you can rest up.

    This month I'm trying to do an illustrator's version of Nano, which involves being VERY social on Twitter. I just wish I hadn't been sick since the beginning of November!

    Take care!

    1. Yuck! Hope you are feeling better....I LOVE YOUR SKETCHES!!! I always use visuals for flash fiction inspiration but can't draw anything. Well done!

  6. Hi Donna, popping in from the facebook thread for IWSG :) Sound like you're wicked busy, hope you manage to keep on top of it/
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

    1. I'm trying....if I could just NOT look at Facebook all day. LOL!

  7. Wow what a move! Haha it always the simplest things like cleaning ;)


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