
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Jan 31st: 2015 Big Dreams, Big Goals Update

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know I seriously fell down on keeping up with my 2014 goals. I love participating in the goal tracking though, so thought I should set up a few new ones for 2015 (or at least modify the existing ones). So here goes....
  1. Write books 3 & 4 in my Klondike Mystery series.
    It's been a tough, BUSY month and all I have manged to do is make a few notes about chapter one. Also, I decided I really dislike what I've already written so will be rewriting that one chapter in February. Sigh...
    Progress: very little

  2. Write at least one novella in the new A Set of Rules Mystery Series
    This new character has been talking to me for almost four months. My thought is to have shorter stories rather than full length novels. These should be a fun, quirky read!
    Progress: making character notes
  3. Continue with the monthly newsletter
    Now that I'm slowly building up my subscriber list, I need to keep this on time and interesting.
    Progress: January done!
  4. Continue my Monday Motivation posts
    Folks seem to enjoy these and I enjoy writing them, so I will continue!
    Progress: haven't missed posting one yet and I am trying to use more of my own photos for this
I have spent way too much time NOT writing this month. I hope you had a more productive month than I did. Here's to knocking it out of the park in February!


  1. Good luck! If you figure out the newsletter thing, let me know. I have one, although I post to it very infrequently - and I know I should do more.

  2. Good luck with everything. I've been slow with my goals this past year too.

  3. Hope you make progress with those mystery series in the coming month. Good luck!

  4. Thanks, everyone. It's been slow start to the week....sick. week?


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