
Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I recently read a great blog post by Leo Babauta on decluttering your life. This section really resonated with me.
Decluttering Your Calendar & Digital Life
Physical decluttering is only one type of decluttering. You can also simplify your day, and your online/computer life as well.

A few simple tips:

  • Decluttering your day is about reducing commitments, and saying no to the non-essential things. So first make a list of your commitments.
  • Make a list of what’s most important to you (4-5 things) and declutter the rest. Say no to people with a phone call or email, and get out of existing commitments.
  • Be very ruthless about saying no to new commitments — and seeing requests as potential commitments. Guard your time.
  • Declutter your digital life one step at a time, just like your physical life. Email newsletters, blogs, social networks, online reading and watching, forums, etc. — are they essential? Can you declutter them?
My first step was to merge Write 4 Ten into this website but based upon participation, I feel it is time to let it go. Not only are the contributions almost non-existent, now there are several other blogs/websites using the same premise. So starting this week, there will be no more Write 4 Ten word prompts. I'll be sad to see it go but it will also remove an unneeded burden on me.

I currently maintain too many blogs and over the next couple of months, I'll be merging all the personal ones into two basic blogs. It still makes sense to keep our Ecuador blog separate from our US based blogs.

So what can YOU do to simplify your life?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the sensible thing to do if you're going to save time and simplify as well.


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