Since I'm off on a 7 day western Caribbean cruise, this post was written and scheduled to publish. Gotta love that capability!
So, another year is coming to a close soon and I think back over what I've accomplished as a writer.
- Published in two anthologies
- Published two children's books (one 8-12 short story, one 0-5 picture book)
- Published the first two books in my Klondike Mystery series
- Re-did my website/blog, moving it off WordPress and back to Blogger
- Took a month for an exploratory visit to Cuenca, Ecuador
- Took a two month motorcycle trip, riding all of Route 66 (yes, on my own motorcycle)
- Prepared for our impending move to Ecuador (we fly out of Miami on 12/12)
- Took a great seven day cruise (I'm relaxing right now!)
- Combined four of our personal blogs into one, Our Prime Years.
- Started a new blog to document our Ecuador plans, Retired in Cuenca
Then I read this article: Why Being A Perfectionist May Not Be So Perfect and I know I need to work on changing this. I am actually MUCH better than I was at work before retirement so I know I can do it. I just need to find the time and keep reminding myself that perfection isn't my goal anymore.
What about you? Do you find perfectionism a troubling trait, robbing you of joy and happiness in your life or do you revel in the awsomeness of it?
Sounds like you've had a very good year and seen a bit of the world to boot! I'm not a perfectionist--I don't think I'd ever submit anything if I was!
ReplyDelete--December IWSG co-host
I'm a perfectionist as well! We just have to fight the urge to fix everything.
ReplyDeleteHope you are enjoying your cruise.