
Monday, May 5, 2014

#AtoZChallenge: My Reflections

I bet you thought you'd heard the last of the April A to Z Challenge, didn't you? It's time for me to reflect back on this experience.

In 2012 I was fresh off three months of heavy flash fiction writing and things seemed to flow well for me. This time around I have spent the last year writing and publishing three novels. Needless to say...this year my A to Z was a bit of a struggle.

But I survived!

First, thank you to my fellow Cuenca, Ecuador writers, Geri Jeter and Carolyn Hamilton for joining in the fun!

Second, thank you to all my fellow bloggers for turning off word verification!!

It was fun to reconnect with some old writing friends from the 2012 challenge, it's so easy to loose touch. I also made some wonderful new friends and will be continuing to read their blogs.

One major difference between 2012 and 2014, the number of blogs participating. Wow! The downside was there was no way to visit all but a small percentage of them. The upside, for readers, was a wide variety of topics.

I also noticed my visitor count started out high, peaked early and dropped like a rock. Of course that may have been due to my content, I'll never know. But I thank those dozen or so readers who stuck by me and not only read but commented! You made my day(s).

I still have 200 or so blog entries to read myself, not sure I will make it through all of them but I will try and I will also try to comment.

So, will I do this again? Absolutely...I've learned that I still love writing flash fiction and as long as people enjoy reading what I write, I'll keep on!


  1. I enjoyed every post of yours, Donna! I'm happy to be following you.

    1. Thank you, Lynda. Now to figure out what to do with the blog!

  2. Your flash fiction was really great. Sorry the visits tanked, but I don't think I found you until the end. :)

    1. I think everyone got a bit tired and overloaded near the end so I know it wasn't just me. Glad you found me, Loni!

  3. Visits to the challenge have a way of dropping off towards the end-- happened to all of us, I think!

    Congratulations on finishing the challenge, and so glad you liked it enough to participate again :)

    1. Thanks so much and thank YOU for all your hard work!!!

  4. Your stories were engaging, and I'm glad I found your blog through the theme reveal. Congrats on finishing, and I hope to see you around the blogosphere. :)

    1. I'm so glad we were one of my most frequent commenters. Maybe I should create an award for that. ;) Will be following you and your progress!

  5. Congratulations on completing the challenge.

    I noticed the same thing, a big push at the beginning, a peak and then a drop towards the end. I guess real life just gets the better of some people. :-)

  6. Hello there.
    Congratulations on completing the challenge! Thanks for sharing. I'm just stopping by briefly before the next A-Z Challenge begins. Visiting from the 2014 A-Z Road Trip.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess


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