
Friday, January 16, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things - Jan 16th 2015

I joined this great blog hop last year then things got busy and I neglected posting much after July. Well, it's a new year and there is a new host, Lexa Cain, for the Celebrate the Small Things.

As in the past, I may post something about writing, something personal, something random or even all the above.

Or if I have a REALLY off week, I might just post a photo. ;)

My biggest accomplishment this week has been starting to attend yoga classes. I have a fifteen minute walk each way on top of that. Monday's class was small, only three of us and it lasts from 9:30-10:45. Amazing workout for this ancient, out of space, fluffy lady and I really enjoyed it.

My other accomplishment is actually starting to blog on a more regular basis and getting my newsletter out on time.

Yup, celebrating the small things! How about you? What are you celebrating this week?


  1. Yoga and walking. Sounds like a double dose of stress relief. Good for body and soul.

  2. Hi Donna. I do a lot of walking; haven't tried Yoga. Good for you!!
    Happy blog time - I'll be 'round to read (smile).

  3. Walking and doing yoga sound like they'll be great for you! And yay for more blogging and getting that newsletter out. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Thanks everyone - I am enjoying the yoga. Nice to be in a class with mostly women my age. We all groan....LOL!

  5. Yay yoga! That's pretty awesome! And blogging is fun. Once you get in the rhythm of when and what, you can start queuing it, so that you don't have to babysit it all the time.
    Great to meet you!


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