Wait, wasn't it just January? How can it be time the February
IWSG post?
I sincerely hope to get back to working on my novels this month but the theme for this month's
Insecure Writer's Support Group is TIME MANAGEMENT.

NO! It can't be time for IWSG again, can it? Sure is but the funny thing is I'm writing this in January. Why? Because on the day this is due, I should be hard into writing my 2nd or 3rd day of productive writing on book three of my Klondike Mystery Series, "Almost a Touch".
Time management has been a real issue for me ever since we moved to Cuenca, Ecuador. Why? Well, mainly because this is our grand adventure and there is so much to see and do. We plan to be here for another 4-5 years, but as you know, the older you get, the faster the time passes.
Just as in the states, I'm not real productive when writing at home, even blogging tie can be difficult to find. But to go somewhere else to write is quite different than being in the US where I hoped in our truck or on my motorcycle, loaded up the laptop and headed to a local McDonald's. Here, I have to carefully pack my laptop in a secure bag, walk to the closest bus stop, wait 0-20 minutes for the next bus, ride 10-15 minutes, get off and then walk to the little restaurant or cafe that offers free wifi.
"But you don't need wifi," you exclaim. Um, unfortunately I do. Since I am pantsing these books, I tend to do a lot of research as I write. That means, wifi access. Because I sit for 3-4 hours, I always buy something, even if just a cup of coffee, and I always rotate locations. I don't want to abuse the privilege of free wifi access.
So I'm hoping for better time management this month - how about you?