
Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday Foto Flash Fiction: Jun 14 2019
Welcome to Friday Foto Flash Fiction! Each Friday I will post a new picture to be used as inspiration for your flash fiction written in 500 words or less. Be sure to include the photo, the source credit, and a link to this post with your storyEntries will close on Thursday at midnight Eastern Time.

Once your post is live, add your link to the list below. I hope you will visit the other entries (and check back often for new stories). Remember to leave them a comment in appreciation.
Thank you and enjoy! Here's your photo prompt.


This is my first week using InLinkz for link-ups. Hope all goes well...if you have an issue, please post your blog URL in the comments so I can include them in the roundup next Friday.
Don't forget to add a link in your blog post to this post
AND to the STORIES page.
Feel free to use this image with this link.


  1. Wrote from my saddened perspective today. Promise to make next week's more uplifting!

    1. Thank was extremely well written. My heart is breaking into little pieces...


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.