
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why do you buy a book?

I shared this on Facebook and got some interesting answers. Love to hear yours! Please post a comment below and tell me what influences you to buy a book?


  1. First I pick up a book because its in the section I like of the store. Fiction, romance, historical, mystery. If Its an author I have read or heard good things from others. I am a fan if JD Robb and Patricia Cornwall, so if the book is similar, I a more likely to pick it up. Then I read the blurb. Inside cover, etc. If they pique my interest, I a more apt to either buy the book or write down the title to look for at a lu rary or yard sale. Note: I will never pay retail price on any book unless it us written by Froggi Donna. And that is because she is one if the dearest people i know and i gave two if her books signed. I will always have a few books on hand that i cant turn loose if like donna.s. the harry potter series. Clan of the cavebear series, the ring series, etc. There is something about the feel of holding a book or a newspaper in your hand that I can't let go of. I also prefer real cookbooks to ebooks.

  2. I think Marty makes a good point. In your list you don't mention price. Most people won't spend a lot on an indie author they don't know, no matter what the cover looks like! Also, there are so many places selling second hand books today, you can often pick up what you are looking for second hand. Good for the consumer not so good for authors.

  3. Thanks for your thoughts, Marty & Tracey!

  4. Everything you mentioned can prompt me to buy a book, but the decision to buy one of the last books I bought came about because of a negative review I had read. seriously. Everything the reviewer didn't like about the books sounded like just the things I'd like in a book. I haven't had time to read it yet, but I've peeked at a few paragraphs. I'm glad I bought it. :-)

  5. The blurb, and the first couple of pages. I never buy a book because of its cover, yes there are some exceptional ones out there. I never buy one because or a review either, I like to form my own opinion. No, for me, its all about the good stuff inside.

  6. Debi, I'm that way about many movies. Often if the critics pan it, I love it. LOL! SDNeeve, love the individuality! ;)

    Thanks to you all for stopping by and commenting!!


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