
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Jan 31st: 2015 Big Dreams, Big Goals Update

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know I seriously fell down on keeping up with my 2014 goals. I love participating in the goal tracking though, so thought I should set up a few new ones for 2015 (or at least modify the existing ones). So here goes....
  1. Write books 3 & 4 in my Klondike Mystery series.
    It's been a tough, BUSY month and all I have manged to do is make a few notes about chapter one. Also, I decided I really dislike what I've already written so will be rewriting that one chapter in February. Sigh...
    Progress: very little

  2. Write at least one novella in the new A Set of Rules Mystery Series
    This new character has been talking to me for almost four months. My thought is to have shorter stories rather than full length novels. These should be a fun, quirky read!
    Progress: making character notes
  3. Continue with the monthly newsletter
    Now that I'm slowly building up my subscriber list, I need to keep this on time and interesting.
    Progress: January done!
  4. Continue my Monday Motivation posts
    Folks seem to enjoy these and I enjoy writing them, so I will continue!
    Progress: haven't missed posting one yet and I am trying to use more of my own photos for this
I have spent way too much time NOT writing this month. I hope you had a more productive month than I did. Here's to knocking it out of the park in February!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things - Jan 30th 2015

Well, it's Friday and time to write my post for Lexa Cain's Celebrate the Small Things.

As in the past, I may post something about writing, something personal, something random or even all the above.

Or if I have a REALLY off week, I might just post a photo. ;)

Yup, this has been an off week since I have spent a lot of it being sick, so here is a photo of our home when we are in the US. This picture was taken in Valley of Fire State Park, north of Las Vegas, a few years back.

We have since both traded our bikes and now have one new 2015 Harley-Davidson Tri-Glide named "Black Cherry". Our Freightliner (medium duty) is Freddie and our trailer is KaZy. Yes, we name all our vehicles.

Just for fun, here is a photo of my motorcycles that I've owned since I started riding at age 55. Between them, I have ridden all 48 states.

Their names were (left to right, top to bottom): Jeremiah, Benni, Rex, (the BMW never got a name - oops), Twister and Gypsy.

So, here's to a productive week next week! Hope you have lots of little things to celebrate!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Motivation Monday: Now

copyright D.B. McNicol
This is an interesting quote for me and when I read it, I am reminded to live in the NOW. Not the past, which I can't change. Not the future, which is yet to come. But savoring the moment....

Friday, January 23, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things - Jan 23rd 2015

Well, it's Friday and time to write my post for Lexa Cain's Celebrate the Small Things.

As in the past, I may post something about writing, something personal, something random or even all the above.

Or if I have a REALLY off week, I might just post a photo. ;)

It's been a quiet week for writing - I've barely done any blogging. Why? I've been busy socializing. Yup, doing meet 'n greets with folks visiting our lovely city of Cuenca, Ecuador.

But I am still sticking to my yoga on Monday and Friday and next week hope to start adding 20-30 minutes on my off days. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Motivation Monday: Memories

photo copyright D.B.McNicol
Not much to say about this other than it's very true - and the older I get, the more I remember those moments and treasure the memories.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things - Jan 16th 2015

I joined this great blog hop last year then things got busy and I neglected posting much after July. Well, it's a new year and there is a new host, Lexa Cain, for the Celebrate the Small Things.

As in the past, I may post something about writing, something personal, something random or even all the above.

Or if I have a REALLY off week, I might just post a photo. ;)

My biggest accomplishment this week has been starting to attend yoga classes. I have a fifteen minute walk each way on top of that. Monday's class was small, only three of us and it lasts from 9:30-10:45. Amazing workout for this ancient, out of space, fluffy lady and I really enjoyed it.

My other accomplishment is actually starting to blog on a more regular basis and getting my newsletter out on time.

Yup, celebrating the small things! How about you? What are you celebrating this week?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Motivation Monday: Stand Up

We've all heard this before but it always bears repeating. As children we learn but doing, over and over. But as adults we forget this, the learning process, and we want to do everything perfectly the first time.

For me this became very apparent after our move to Ecuador. Learning Spanish at an age well over 60, I tried to not get frustrated when things didn't "stick". I know it will come in time, not perfectly, but when presented with a smile, it works.

Don't give up!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

#IWSG Jan 2015: Adventurous

Can you believe it's 2015 and time my first IWSG post of the year? Here in Ecuador summer is in full swing, the weather is beautiful and I'm enjoying every minute.

I sincerely hope to get back to working on my novels this month but the theme for this month's Insecure Writer's Support Group is ADVENTUROUS.

Over the last few years I've been called adventurous because I: sold everything and bought a used RV, traveling the country solo; traveled the US solo on my motorcycle, 27k miles through 42 states; and more recently, moving to Ecuador for a few years, a country where I don't speak the language.

I hate roller coasters, I am a creature of habit, I can be persnickety at times, I'm a planner and love to research things before doing them, I don't like gambling or taking major risks. I don't consider myself adventurous - these were all well researched and planned adventures.

So what does the word ADVENTUROUS mean to you? Do you think you're at all adventurous or more the timid mouse (which I've always applied to me)?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Motivation Monday: Just be!

[photo copyright Donna B. McNicol]

As we went our way into a new year, I thought this was an appropriate quote. Stop trying to be what you think everyone wants you to be. It's time to just BE!

I've spent the majority of my life trying to be everyone else's version of perfect. Believe me, finding that and being happy do not blend well together. Ever since I decided that this is who I am and if someone doesn't like it, that's their issue, I've been much happier and more satisfied with my life.

Try it, you might like it!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Enter to win! $200 Paypal cash or $200 Amazon Gift Card

Take a chance to win $200 in PayPal Cash OR $200 Amazon Gift Card PLUS a $25 Godiva Gift Card! Just enter this giveaway.

Prize amounts awarded in US funds. Open to any country that has PayPal and/or Amazon and Godiva. Giveaway hosted by A Girl and Her Kindle. Winner will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.

Here's to a productive 2015!