Reporting in for Isa-Lee Wolf's #AccountaClub. Each Friday we post an accountability update for our current projects/goals/whatever.
Busy, busy, busy....lots done, lots more to do!
1) Support hubby's Backend of Nowhere Garage project in any way I can.
The project continues despite several setbacks. Phew!
2) Write, edit and publish (ebook only) book four in my C'Mon Inn Mystery Trilogy, "Paradise Dream".
I did set up a Scrivener project and made a few plot idea notes.
3) In addition, I have three blogs that have asked me to write guest posts.
Working frantically on the second post, should have it done in the next couple of days. The third is the easiest and will quickly follow.
August is gone and fall will soon here here. Time to set goals for September.
- Get the RV cleaned, sorted and prepped for the snowbird season.
Time to slowly work on getting the RV ready for winter and our "move" to southern Georgia in early to mid November. Sorting clothes is a big thing as well as other "stuff" that needs to get cleaned out.
- Write, edit and publish (ebook only) book four in my C'Mon Inn Mystery Trilogy, "Paradise Dream".
I need to start writing the fourth in my C'Mon Inn Mystery Series. This one will be titled Paradise Dream and will tell us some of the backstory for the Thompson Twins as well. Oh, and there may be a wedding involved!
See you next Friday!
To join in the fun, sign up at Isa-Lee Wolf's #AccountaClub page or post in her or my comments.