Then there is the mystery WIP, Not a Whisper, that is in the early outline stages.
I've written several flash fictions here on the blog. The first one seemed to get a lot of positive comments, so I recently expanded it into a short story. I hope to do the same with a couple more and then will compile them into an eBook to be published at Amazon and Smashwords. Wish me luck!
I'm finding inspiration all around me, every photograph I look at starts me thinking about new story ideas. Snippets of conversation around me are stored for later regurgitation.
I've discovered I have a darker side and flash fiction is bringing it to the forefront. It will be interesting in how that plays out when I get into the guts, no pun intended, of my mystery writing.
I am keeping up my reading, from short stories to mysteries to romance novels to books on the art of writing. Phew! No wonder I sit all day...
That said, a motorcycle ride today helped blow out some cobwebs and tomorrow I get to ride hubby's trike when we take the Big White Truck (Freddie the Freightliner) in for service. That and breakfast out...good day!
I love it when anything can spur a writing prompt. I just had an idea watching the football game!