
Thursday, April 2, 2015

B - Bicycle

Alphabet B clip artNo, it's NOT like riding a bicycle. Why? Because you can forget how to ride one. Honest. How do I know? Because I did...really! I could ride a motorcycle but for the life of me, I couldn't remember how to ride a bicycle.

I put my feet down to make corners. I duck-walked to turn around. I was stiff and awkward, feeling like a fish out of water. Nothing came back to me, not until I had spent several weeks of riding. I was so proud the first time I negotiated a curve without slowing down.

So the next time you want to tell someone, "It's just like riding a bike..." - DON'T!


  1. I can just see Stu running along behind you holding the back of the seat. LOL

  2. My mom doesn't know how to ride a bike. Last summer she surprised us by asking my dad to teach her. So they'd go out every evening and he'd give her a lesson. Tbh I haven't touch a bicycle in the last 5 years, but I figure that other than a wobbly start I'll probably be able to keep my balance. But watching my mom learn reminded me just how inaccurate that saying is...riding a bike is NOT that easy.

    Also recently my sisters and I were talking about swimming and how we might or might not have forgotten to swim.

    I'll have to test out both biking and swimming now because your post's got me thinking.

  3. Darn, I was hoping it would be just that easy! I'm wondering what else I'm assuming I remember how to do...but don't. LOL

  4. But have you forgotten how to ride a motor-bike? Maybe that's your unforgettable skill ;)

  5. Now you have me wondering. I don't think I had better get back on a bike. Especially on Ecuadorian streets and sidewalks. Do they make large tricycles for seniors?

  6. Thanks for the reminder of how difficult riding a bike is, I was afraid maybe it was a memory issue. Much prefer to think of it as a difficult task. ;-)

  7. Hana, I can picture your mother since I know how I felt! I guess 50+ years is too long to wait. LOL!

  8. Well it is sort of a memory issue...muscle memory. LOL!

  9. Ahhh, but I ride the motorcycle every year. Guess it was the 50+ years that threw me off on the bicycle. LOL!

  10. They do, very popular in Florida. Not so much in Ecuador...

  11. Hmmm, now I wonder if I can still fingerpaint. ;)

  12. Fortunately it was a folding bike and my feet easily touched the ground...on both sides!

  13. Yeah.. I'm in the middle of re-learning to ride a bike. Remembering how to keep balance and stay upright isn't my problem. However, that doesn't mean it's easy -- my muscles have NO idea how this is all supposed to work, and it's a long, slow process to retrain them!

  14. Oh boy - now you are making me nervous! I haven't been on a bike in years and I was really hoping to dust mine off this summer. Wish me luck!

  15. Amazing, isn't it! Good luck in the relearning.

  16. Hope it's easier for you than it was for me. It is good exercise!

  17. Happened to me, too. Still can't do it. I came off one when I tried and badly bruised quite a lot of me, although I didn't break my glasses. Well done you, Anne Stenhouse, Novels Now

  18. I learnt that one the hard way and even though I'm now living in flat lands I'm still nervous of getting another bike to ride.

  19. Fortunately I was on a small folding bike, no falls. Phew!


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