Good personal stuff, like ordering my new laser printer and MacBook Pro. Excited? You bet...can't wait till hubby brings them back at the end of this month.
So what's the bee in my bonnet this month? Blogs and newsletters. I have set myself some goals for the rest of this year, writing goals. I even joined a page where we post monthly as to our goal progress. Think this will help? I hope so.
This post was written early as as many of the blog posts this month. Why? So I can find time to work on my WIP (all of them). I hope to write between 3-4k words a day, twenty days of this month, in order to get close to finishing "Almost a Touch" before month's end. I'm also pre-writing several of my Retired in Cuenca personal blog posts.
Once those are done, I need to work on getting my first (in a LONG time) newsletter ready to send out on June 15th. I've decided to send it once a month and have it on my calendar with my ever growing list of commitments. {Have you signed up yet? You'll qualify for a chance to win one of my ebooks.}
Time management - why is it so difficult? I think the older I get, the harder it is at times to stick to my guns and just get it done. I tell myself that I'm retired, I don't have to do this. I can quit anytime. Then I get an email or Facebook post telling me how much they enjoyed my books and they can't wait for the next one.
What keeps you on track?
Oh how I agree with you. I'm just now settling into some kind of writing routine. I find managing the time thing is difficult at best, especially when you're working on your own.
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing your "Celebrate the Small Things" post, I joined up! My blogging has been sporadic at best lately and writing has been virtually nonexistent. Celebrating small (and large) things every Friday is wonderful on several levels. It's a fun way of getting me back in the habit of writing at least weekly, to celebrate . . . and to be mindful of the joys in Life. Now if I could just swing a two-week solitary retreat somewhere to really write . . . ahhhh . . . fantasies! Ha!
ReplyDeleteI don't really have a track to be strict about keeping on... haha not overly productive but sometimes its nice to chill :) good luck with the newsletter!
ReplyDeleteUsually I'm a list-maker. I just keep writing and hope I don't miss something important.
ReplyDeleteSetting short time goals helps me to keep on track. TFS!
I'm terrible with time management. In the short run, I'm fine. I get what needs to be done taken care of, but long range goals are a problem. For example, if my publisher needs something, I'm on it. But when it comes to self-publishing a volume of my short stories by the end of the year? The project keeps getting pushed further back on the burner.
ReplyDeleteVR Barkowski
Thank you for sharing on time management, Donna. In the past so much of my time was tied up in commitments to getting an education and my career. I've been retired two years come June 6th, and I'm still struggling with committing to time for me to write. Lifetime habits die hard! But it's getting better!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how I would be with time management if I wan't at the mercy of my 3 year old twins, but everyone of us have our own challenges—I might take advantage and sleep for a month lol. I'm glad your fans are keeping you going. Best of luck with your writing goals! :)
ReplyDeleteDonna, you sound really disciplined!
ReplyDeleteI think you've got the time management thinggie down to a fine art!
congratulations and good luck at keeping your goals!
ReplyDeleteI love any and all time management tips! Btw, it's my first time here. I found you via Twitter's #IWSG tag. Nice to meet & tweet ya!
ReplyDeleteOne thing that keeps me on track is using a kitchen timer and writing in 15 minute increments. I check my to do list at the end, and do some menial chore around the house for a few minutes, then dive back into the writing.
Keeps me focused and it also keeps me from sitting for too long at a time! :D
p.s. I tried to follow your "retired in Cuenca" link, but it came up dead! :(
ReplyDeleteTime management.. oof. That requires having time to manage! Hah no. There is time, just little chunks of it :) I usually just set small goals of things I want to do (tonight - visit everyone who stopped by for IWSG - almost done!), to keep it manageable.
ReplyDeleteHappy IWSG day!
AJ @ Naturally Sweet
I am usually so organized and good with time management but I have had a bad year-and-a half and then I was offered my dream job, part-time with the possibility of full-time in the fall. Now I have a full-time, a part-time and a writing job (or several).
ReplyDeleteMiraculously I am catching up with my writing goals.
I've blogged about this ad nauseam, so I won't link to it here, but the Seinfeld Productivity Secret keeps me on track. It's been amazing for me. That said, there are still days like today when time gets away from me. I've just cut back on them by 98%.
ReplyDeleteShamefully, the only thing I'm on track for right now is submitting short stories. I'm also getting short story editing done, but not so much writing, either in short form or long. I need to get back to it. A writer's conference I volunteer with always throws me in April, followed quickly by end of school year stuff with my kids, and I get lost in it all. I'm pleased to be getting anything done, though, and submitting and editing are more than I was getting done this time last year. So I'll take it. For now.
ReplyDeleteTime management? There are times when I do my best to sail through a rigid schedule, and times when I cut myself some slack.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to know that so many readers inspire you to write another one. Truly heartwarming. Go for it!
I'm a binge writer. Once a story takes hold I write like nothing to get that first draft done. I do have to balance my time with kids, house, work. Having a set word count or writing three days a week as opposed to seven helps too. =)
ReplyDeleteI'd reply to each and every one of you, but I'm saving time. ;) Seriously, thank you ALL for stopping by, reading and commenting. Some great tips posted and it's fun to find out that I'm not the only one suffering from this issue.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could come anywhere near your productivity. It normally takes me a couple of days just to get a few pages written, and then another week or two of editing just to get those pages into a coherent state. I salute you!
ReplyDeleteTime is one of those trouble areas for me. It seems I keep losing it. I ask my husband where I left it, but he just shrugs, since I'm the one who usually keeps track of everything. I check under chairs, and in drawers, but I've found most of it has been stolen by my children, gobbled up, never to be returned. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with keeping up with all your writing!
Hey, Donna,
ReplyDeleteSo great that you are keeping up with your writing..... It's impressive. I wish I could say the same... lol