
Monday, June 2, 2014

Motivation Monday: Persistence

We've all had bad days, days when all you want to do is crawl back into bed and pull the covers over your head. It's realizing the next day can be better. It may not be, but it can be. Keeping a positive attitude goes a long way to staying strong.

I've had many friends and some family members who have had to deal with chronic pain, terrible illnesses, and even terminal diagnoses. The one thing they have is a good support base and a positive outlook. They get down, they hurt, but they know tomorrow is another day and it just might get better.

Have you ever felt lost, abandoned, depressed? You're not alone. The first step is to talk to someone about it.


  1. Thanks, Donna. It is one of those days. <3

  2. True Donna! Agree with you :)
    The key is to be optimistic & move on with hope.

  3. Thank you Marty & Anita. I plan to make this a weekly feature, hoping folks enjoy it.

  4. This is a nice way of thinking about it. I have some issues with anxiety and depression so I get bad days where I spend too much time worrying about the future. For the most part though, I try to take each day as it comes and this helps me a lot. I prefer to try and keep a positive attitude about things, but I get the feeling that I'm living in a society where it's considered to be cooler to be pessimist. Many people I meet have negative attitudes and it's difficult not to also let it rub off onto yourself.

  5. These Monday posts are a good idea. Everyone needs a little inspiration in their life. :o)

  6. Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting. I am enjoying making these quote photos and adding something a little personal. Glad you like them!


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