Is this your first year doing NaNoWriMo?

It is, and I am beyond excited, nervous, determined, and slightly panicky! This is such a new experience for me, like many others, but this is also a great chance to "spread my wings".

If yes, why did you decide this was the year?
If no, how many times have you done it and have you won?

My husband and fellow author/NaNoWriMo participant, Ryan Nelson, found out about it a couple of months ago. He was really excited about it, and I decided within minutes that I was in too! I'm a journalist. I've had numerous articles published both locally and nationally, plus I've won plenty of awards for my writing. But I've never even attempted a fiction novel, though I've always wanted to try it. What better motivation than a community of thousands of international authors doing the same!

If yes, what is your greatest fear?
If no, what is the best tip you can give to a first-time NaNo'er?

My greatest fear is that I'll lose steam. I love writing, and I am so incredibly excited about writing my novel. But I also have an insanely busy life. I'm praying I don't get too overwhelmed and lose steam!

How much preparation do you plan to do before November 1st?

Quite a lot! I've created a "kit" with things that will help me. Calendars, tips, articles, story sheets, etc. I also have my favorite pens, inspirational quotes, and even a journal. My novel is completely outlined, now I just have to write it!

Got anything you'd like to tell us about this years project?

I'm jumping into this head on! Like I said, I'm a journalist by habit. I've already published a nonfiction charity memoir titled "My Work Of Heart". But writing a fiction novel is very different. I'm keeping a quote from my favorite aunt and best friend onhand the entire month: "Every day is the first day of the rest of your life".

Anything else you'd like to share?

I wish everyone so much success! I've heard it said numerous times, but remember that we're all technically winners for even attempting this! There's a story inside of you, dying to come out. Give it a voice!
Heather C. Nelson is a mother to three adorable and rambunctious children, a wife to Ryan Nelson (a fellow published author), General Manager/Co-Owner of an e-commerce, and heARTist/owner of BriannesBasics.com, a charity craft store. She can now add author to her list. Her charity memoir, My Work Of Heart, was released in Spring 2012 on Kindle and in paperback. You can find it at
http://bit.ly/buymywkofheart It chronicles a year of giving by her family through difficult medical and personal times, and includes 50 creative fundraising and volunteer tips.
Author, Volunteer, Charity Crafter
http://www.heathernelson.info |
http://www.heathercnelson.com |
* My Work Of Heart, my charity memoir, now available on Kindle & in paperback!
* CAN YOU SPARE $5? HeartWalk LA, benefitting Amer. Heart Assoc .
Favourite pens! Oh, yes, I'm so with you there. Even though I do most of my writing on the computer, I brainstorm and argue with myself on paper, so the favourite pens and notebooks are high on the list of NaNoWriMo must-haves. Good luck with your novel, Heather!
ReplyDeleteI always have a favourite pen...I get really upset when they run out and I have to decide on another!
ReplyDeleteI love my favorite pens and I am bereft if I have to write with something substandard. Most of my writing is done on my laptop so that doesn't happen as much anymore. Loved this insight into your goals and processes! Can't wait to see you at the finish line!