Is this your first year doing NaNoWriMo?
Yes. Would you believe I had no idea what NaNoWriMo is until several ladies mentioned it during chat a few weeks ago. I think I've been hiding in my cave for too long.

If yes, why did you decide this was the year?

I love a good challenge. Even if it means I'm going to kill myself while trying. I have a manuscript due by the end of December. My schedule is really tight, having a full-time job and a crazy household.

If yes, what is your greatest fear?

Um, I guess not finishing. It goes without saying that I'll do whatever it takes to get the 50K in and hope I have enough juice to finish the whole thing.

How much preparation do you plan to do before November 1st?

I only have a character outline. I'm not disciplined enough to have a story outline and follow through. Just this morning, I came up with an acceptable plot that I can work with. The rest will be sort of a 'Hail Mary'. LOL

Got anything you'd like to tell us about this years project?

It's going to be something I haven't written before. YA.

Anything else you'd like to share?

I'm as excited as a shrimp on crack!
Lorenz Font dabbled in fan fiction for a year or so before turning her attention to the bigger fish—writing her original ideas. Hunted is her debut novel scheduled to be released in March, 2013. Hunted is the first book of The Gates Legacy trilogy. She is a versatile writer who enjoys trying her hand at different genres with an intense focus on angst and redeeming flawed characters. Her fascination for a romantic twist is a mainstay in all her stories.
She currently lives in California with her husband, children and two demanding dogs. Lorenz spends her free time writing while working as a Business Office Manager for a busy skilled and rehabilitation hospital.
Love her NaNoWriMo YA story! Not sure how she does it, but always rises to the challenge! Love my little "shrimp on crack" and couldn't be prouder of ya sis! The hard work paid off and the rest if the world gets to fall in love with The Gates Legacy: Hunted too!
ReplyDeleteI so here you, Lorenz, about NaNoWriMo. I swear every year I'm going to do it but something always comes up to blow me off course. I'm on track this year. Hopeing to finish up today then the hard work comes in. Hopeing to have a polished, ready to go book by the end of December. Wishing you the best of luck with yours!!
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you for obtaining your goal!! Woot! Woot!
ReplyDeleteThanks. Everything I do is not possible without the group of friends surrounding me.
ReplyDeleteThanks Judith! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks Girlfriend. Couldn't have done without you. *winks*