Is this your first year doing NaNoWriMo?

Yes it is.

Why did you decide this was the year?

Because this is the first year that i heard about it. If I'd known before I would have done it before.

What is your greatest fear?

I don't do fear. If there was anything I would have to say not finishing my 50,000 words in the alloted amount of time. I just recently finished a 176,000 word novel so I know I can do the number, just not
sure about the time frame.

How much preparation do you plan to do before November 1st?

I have been prepping every day. Outlines, major plot points, character profiles, everything I can think of including location research and creating a list of question to pepper the LAPD with as well as Banks and Psychiatrists.

Got anything you'd like to tell us about this years project?

Hopefully it'll keep you guys guessing until the end. It is a
Mystery/Thriller type novel. I've honestly not come across this particular idea before not in quite the way I intend to tell it. Which is not to say that I've stumbled upon the much sought after but elusive truly 'original' idea. I just haven't read enough mystery novels to see an idea very similar to this one yet.

Anything else you'd like to share?

I've listed my blog and my first novel below, feel free to check them out. Also keep an eye out. I should be having a promotional week Mid November with the release of my second book, The first book will be available at a discounted price for the first week that Book Two is available.
I would like to share my blog
www.ryantnelson.com My amazon page for my first published novel, Book One an Epic Fantasy adventure 'The Shadows Birth'
Donna, so glad you've jumped right into nanoland for us all!
ReplyDeleteRyan, as a pantser the amount of planning you've done sounds scarier than the nano word count. Thanks for reminding me how much research I need to do post nano.. One year I'll do it beforehand. Now that's an idea!
I'm with you, Ryan--no room for fear in the NaNoWriMo experience. You just have to dive in and stay focused, and looks like you've got that in the bag. Good luck with your first NaNo, and your first mystery novel!