
Monday, April 30, 2012

Zipper - A to Z Blog Hop

{source - Dani Simmonds}

My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

As she rummaged through her moms sewing box Elise paused, pulling out an old, beat up Boonie hat that was stuffed in the bottom. Brown, floppy with a droopy brim, this one had a pocket on top.

To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Thank you to Lynne for her starter prompt. [prompt in italics]

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Snippets - Sundry Somethings

Thank you to my wonderful new online writing friend, Beth Zimmerman, for inspiring me to add a weekly feature, Sunday Snippets - Sundry Somethings where I will post little snippets of topics. It might be a rant, a movie, my life now, my life past, my family-friends, blogs I've get the idea. Just snippets about something. So here is my first Sunday Snippets - Sundry Somethings post.

First snippet, for those who follow my personal blog, hubby is doing great. He is still going out for two hours of PT daily (double knee replacement done on 3/27) as well as doing an hour at home on the off days. If he continues recovering at his current pace, they hope to discharge him in another two weeks .

That brings me to snippet two, we already have tickets for the 2012 CMA Music Fest in Nashville. We attended for the first time in 2009 and look forward to doing it again. If it is a hot as it was in 2009, we will only do the evening big show. Of course, how much we do each day also depends on Stu's energy level by then (early June).

Snippet three, many folks have commented that they would like to see some of my flash fiction expanded into short stories (or more). I may dabble with that a bit but my major focus is to get my first romance novel, A Montana Chance, completed. I'll let it percolate for few weeks before tackling the first edit. That's when I may try to take some of these flash stories and expand them. I'll keep you updated!

Final one, number four, will be something you may or may not know about me, a "getting to know me" snippet. This time it will be a baby photo of me...saved by my youngest brother from a old slide.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Yearning - A to Z Blog Hop


 My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

It seemed such a perfect day until she found the letter at the very bottom of her mother's knitting basket. Her mom had insisted she take it to college with her and she'd kept it all these years, the one connection to her family.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Thank you to Lynne for her starter prompt. [prompt in italics]

Friday, April 27, 2012

Xyloid - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

Another day in the lab, digging into the reason behind the deaths of the Belgeronia trees. It was imperative the deaths be stopped, the Seronians had been tree dwellers for 1200 years. With over 40% of the forest already gone and another 20% dying, everyone would be homeless in two years.

To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Thank you to Lynne for her starter prompt. [prompt in italics]

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wallflower - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

No one ever noticed the spot on the wall, a tiny blotch of green that blended in perfectly with the flowers. No one ever suspected that speck was an implant, a way to spy on everyone and everything that was said and done.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Thank you to Lynne for her starter prompt. [prompt in italics]

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Vehicle - A to Z Blog Hop


 My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

Pointing to the ancient bike frame, sitting alone and neglected, far apart from the others, my son David shouted, “Hey dad, how about that one?”

To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Urgent - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

"But it was full just a minute ago!" Sean tipped the bottle upside down and let the last drop of malt drip onto his tongue before setting it down beside him. He looked around at the stack of empties littering the deck around him.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Thank you to DC Stultz for his starter prompt. [prompt in italics]

Monday, April 23, 2012

Trinity - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

They were three of a kind, where you saw one you found the other two. The neighbors called them the three musketeers when they were good, the three hellions when they weren't. That was forty years ago, before the lie.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Almost done - A to Z Challenge

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Phew, what a great time I've had trying to keep up with the number of great, quality blogs participating in the A to Z Blog Challenge. I know many will become staples on my reading list.

Just wanted to take a minute and send out a HUGE thank you to Michelle Jones and Lisa Campbell for their blog makeover contest. I won a new header and got a bonus design tweak from Lisa. She did an amazing job and I love the new look. If you normally read my blog via a reader, take time to visit the blog directly and let me know what you think.

I had just purchased an image from and was trying to figure out how to use. Then along came Lisa and VOILA! I love it and hope you do, too. Be sure to stop by Michelle and Lisa's blogs and say hi.

Now that the challenge is ending, I have to start thinking about the direction for my blog. I love writing flash fiction but doing it every day, as I have done this month, takes away from my novel writing. I also have some ideas for short stories that I'd like to complete.

So I'm thinking that my flash fiction may be a once a week posting with maybe a filler or two during the week. I hope you will continue to follow me and I'm wide open to suggestions on ideas for the blog.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Simple - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

The weary truck hiccuped to life and Dan heaved a sigh of relief. “There's still some life in ya, isn't there Gertie,” he thought as he shifted into first and turned towards the rutted dirt road heading into town.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Thank you to Jocelyn Rish for her starter prompt! [prompt in italics]

Friday, April 20, 2012

Reticent - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

It's not easy being the youngest, hearing “Wait till you're older” or “Wait till you're bigger” or “Go find your own friends” all the time. You hear it enough, you stop trying and Eric had stopped. He gave up and created his own fantasy world, with lots of friends.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quirky - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

The Toes Tell The Tale...", I state dramatically and then giggle as I wiggle my toes at my frowning boyfriend. “What? You said you liked my sense of humor and we're supposed to be enjoying ourselves here at the beach while we get to know each other better.”
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Poison - A to Z Blog Hop

{source - Dani Simmonds}

My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

He traced the words on the bottle; D A N G E R   P O I S O N. It had been so simple to buy, just walk in the home supply store, locate it and take it to the checkout. A mere ten minutes of his life to take care of a ten year problem.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Open - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

Would Chuck ever get back from his delivery, fumed Dee as she texted her date that she would be late...again. She didn't know why Mr. Tolletino didn't fire him, he was so lazy and sometimes rude, but this wasn't her restaurant and she had no say in who worked there.

To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Thank you to DC Stultz for his starter prompt! [prompt in italics]

Monday, April 16, 2012

Nonsense - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

Silly nonsense, that's all it was. Making faces, taunting each other to see who would laugh first.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Showing a little A to Z Love!

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Thanks to finding and following some new blogs, I discovered the next step after (which I love). It's and I used it to create some love for my fellow A to Z bloggers. You can save static images as well as embedding the animated version above. Roll your mouse over the heart and enjoy!

Oh, and note the new buttons on the right hand side of my blog, under the A to Z image, an easy way to check out new blogs in the challenge.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Missing - A to Z blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

"Now how the hell am I going to get home?"Jennifer grumbled to herself. Lost in thought, she had wandered way off her usual route and now had no idea where she was. She stopped walking, looked around, and realized in the dimming light of dusk that nothing looked remotely familiar.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!


Thank you to DC Stultz for his starter prompt [in italics]

Friday, April 13, 2012

Linked - A to Z Blog Hop


My theme is 10x10.
A maximum of ten sentences, a minimum of 100 words.

He hefted the chain and decided it was just what he needed. It was time for to get even and he needed to find his first victim, he was a novice after all. Once he had done this several times, he'd be less worried about the results.
To read the full story, please check out the Amazon e-book
"A to Z in 10 x 10".
It's only .99!