I won with just over 50,000 words of Blood and Breath in 2009. I seem to have lost the draft files on a broken external hard drive, but have recreated a story arc and intend to reconstruct it via flash fiction stories for each scene...perhaps I will begin that project this winter.
I won with about 57,000 words of Chameleon's Dish in 2011, although 35,000+ of those were a wandering journey to find the story. I completely pantsed that one. I finished the rough draft during Round 2 of ROW80 in the Spring of 2011, and plan some major revisions, including separating it into two books, during this coming winter.
I won my first Camp NaNo this August, completing just over 75,000 words of To Be or Not To Be. I got to 50,000 words in 10 days, because I had a lot of homeschooling paperwork for my children due on September 1! The book has stalled a bit, but this year's effort, Sima Garo Provides, is the sequel, so, in writing it, I will likely learn more about TBONTB, as well.

This time around though, I have found some open-ended ways to add structure without sacrificing the ability to follow where my characters lead me.
I have begun filling in a template, which will amount to a few hours' investment, and I have spent perhaps another in free writing. I ponder writing while in the shower - some of the best plot twists and resolutions happen when hot water is splashing on my head!
I am also in the process of setting up my NaNo pages, and Scrivener, where I will be writing cold for the first time.
If time permits, I will do character and scene sketches within Scrivener before NaNo begins.
I may write a flash fiction scene or two to get the ball rolling...I launched TBONTB from a flash fiction piece I had written several months before, and that worked well for me.

All of my previous novels have included a strong fan fiction presence with my original world building. I have always known the fan-fic elements would need to go, but, until very recently, I didn't know how to go about this. Now, though, I have an idea how to accomplish it without crippling the original interwoven elements.
So, for the first time, I will be writing a novel sans the fan fiction elements, and I feel like everything is fresh and new.

A planetbound leader and a starfaring explorer who once shared an incendiary bond must, despite their Severing, relearn how to trust each other, to save their worlds – and themselves.
There are words that apply to me, although they don’t define me: writer, mother, lover, adventurer, wife, reader, seeker, learner, mentor, partner, intuitive, delver, playful spirit, ambassador, advocate, talker, listener. strewer of joy into the lives of others, singer, sensualist, awakening, passionate, faithful, spontaneous, strong, daring, caring, sharing, wide-eyed wanderer.
I live in upstate New York with my husband and two children who, at 11 and 8, have never gone to school. I write what brings me passion, and what is my truth.
Writing Blog: shanjeniah: http://shanjeniah.com/where-on-the-web-is-shan-jeniah/
Unschooling/Life Blog: The Unfettered Life http://memismommy.blogspot.com/2009/10/ebb-and-flow.html
Thanks, Donna! I'm going to reblog this